What is this why’d you make it?

Great question! I reason I made Half Way is from my experience dating on Long Island. Long Island is a huge place, and when matching with people on dating apps they can be from 6-20 miles away. Suggesting your local pizza place or coffee shop may be fine in your head but is a hassle for a second party to get to, most people on dating apps don’t feel comfortable sharing where they live to find a middle area to have dates in. At that moment Half Way was born!

I also wanted people to find new places and explore their area, being from Long Island NY, everyone always goes to Manhattan for anything special not really knowing how big and vast Long Island really is, I want users to take advantage of where they are with this application

Okay, what are the features?

The idea of the application is person A makes a group and sends the confirmation code to person B. Now they are both in one group, both users will put their address and it WON’T be shown to the other. After calculating the distance between them the app will find date ideas based on both parties’ interests, and laser tag local restaurants and museums at a discounted price for our users only.

Outside of exploring your area users can find other areas around them to explore.

Cool but who’s it for?

Another great question! Originally I wanted it to be for first dates and early relationships but the more I think about the application and product I want it to be for Road trip groups, ski trips friends meeting up with co-workers on work trips. Any larger group of people getting together. It also feels good too to find local places that are discounted through the application so users can explore their local area rather than boring chains.

Prototype 1

Prototype 2

The goal with the first iteration was to make a simple and trendy UI.

The goal with the second iteration was to expand on the problems and inclusivity aspect of these situations. Long Island is an area where most need a car to get around but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t people without cars, the public transit option is to allow users to find routes that are closer to bus stops and accessible to all people.

In conclusion this was a really fun project. To think all this out from concept to execution was really fun and a pleasure. Looking forward on expanding this idea more in the future.


Studio MUKA 2021-2022


Intuit Website Redesign [UX/UI Community Page]